This workshop, co-organized by DLR, IRT Saint Exupery and ONERA, held the 24-25 october 2017 in Braunschweig, Germany. It gathered 110 people coming from European industry (Airbus, Airbus DS, Airbus Helicopter, SAAB, Rolls Royce, Dassault Aviation), research institutes (DLR, ONERA, IRT, Belfast, Mary Londres, ISAE, TU Delft, TU Kaiserslautern, IRIT), with keynotes from Pr Joachim Martins (U. Michigan) and Pr Pat Piperni (U. Clarkson).
This workshop was the opportunity for the MDO community to share and capture true industrial needs in the domain, not limited to classical aerostructure optimization but including also the whole mission, the whole product life cycle (manufacturing, operations, maintenance) and upstream systems needs, from requirements to preliminary and detailed design.
The main scientific challenges were discussed: gradient-based MDO; uncertainties, robust design; CAD and parameterization; MDO methods and algorithms, collaborative MDO, loads and structure sizing for MDO. Ongoing developments on MDO platforms were also presented (AGILE platform, KADMOS software, SPIRO/GEMS IRT platform).
This workshop was very much appreciated by all participants and the decision was taken to further extend the initiative. The next workshop will be organized by IRT Saint Exupery in Spring 2019.