Alternance Aerospace : work-study in high-tech fields

Alternance Aerospace Recrutement

Aeronautics, space, embedded systems but also materials, mechanics, robotics, automotive, energy, digital… Find your next work-study program with the Alternance Aerospace forum !

The Alternance Aerospace initiative was created to facilitate recruitment for companies in the aeronautical field, but also to allow students to have easier access to a complete catalog of offers and training. This event is led by the Campus des Métiers et des Qualificiations Aéronautique et Spatial Occitanie and the IRT Saint Exupéry, with the support of UIMM Occitanie, OPCO 2i, EDEC, GIFAS and Aerospace Valley.


  • Promote work-study programs; assist companies in their recruitment needs:

from CAP to Bac+5
for industrial jobs of the future
in technological professions

  • Raising awareness and providing support:

Potential candidates

This year, due to the health crisis, the exhibition will take place on May 6 in virtual! It will bring together more than 30 CFAs, 140 training organizations, 300 work-study programs and more than 1000 candidates!

Want to join us? There is still time to register! Go to the platform!

Alternance Aerospace : work-study in high-tech fields
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