EDEN Project, dissemination session

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The IRT Saint Exupéry invite you on Thursday September 28, 2023 to the dissemination Workshop of the EDEN Project results. Started in June 2020, the EDEN project (Evaluation of a Deterministic Ethernet Network) has demonstrated the benefits of the Ethernet TSN (Time-Sensitive Network) technology applied to real-time critical embedded systems in the aeronautics, space and automotive fields.

The EDEN team will present their solutions developed in the framework of this project for exploration and evaluation of TSN network. Based on this experience, the current vision of the requirements for the future certification of TSN equipment will be presented.

Sept. 28, 2023 – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
IRT Saint Exupéry, B612 Building 3 rue tarfaya, 31400 Toulouse


10:00 am to 12:30 pm

  1. EDEN project introduction
  2. TSN overview and IRT Saint Exupéry TSN platform
  3. Avionic TSN use case
  4. TSN Industrials needs for critical embedded application:

a. Avionic certification awareness
b. System requirements on TSN
c. TSN supplier trends
d. Panel discussion on electronic certification for TSN solutions

12:30pm to 2 :00 pm – Networking buffet

EDEN Project, dissemination session
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