key competence
high density energy
Our competence center operates to develop and concretize solutions concerning the switch to electric vehicles. Indeed, to keep them competitive compared to other energy sources (pneumatic, hydraulic, etc.), we focus on finding a way to increase the power density of electrical systems.
Moreover, the whole set of technologies and design methods needs to be revised to:
- increase the voltage to reduce the cable mass;
- use higher performance electronic components (wide gap components) to reduce losses;
- better integration of the components and equipment to master mass constraints, electromagnetic compatibility (CEM), network quality, reliability, thermal control, or costs.
Throughout our research, we concentrate on electromechanical conversion chains, electronic power converters, and electric motors, developing technologies (power modules, filters, inductances, printed circuit board, drivers, thermals, materials, etc.) and the methodologies required to optimize them (MDO/MDA) on different criteria (mass, thermal control, CEM, etc.).
In other words, we aim at helping increase the power density of electronic circuits between 2 to over 10 kilowatts/kg and of electric machines between five to over 15 kilowatts/kg. In synthesis, we deal with voltages of less than a kilovolt for applications of a few hundred kilowatts (small carriers), but also with voltages of between 1 and 3 kilovolts for applications of over a million watts (propulsion, major carriers).
R&T fields
One of our main R&T fields focuses on producing demonstrators and prototypes of electric sub-systems in three power ranges:
- A few hundred watts for more integrated supply systems
- A few kilowatts to 50 kilowatts for non-propulsive applications
- Over 100 kilowatts for propulsive applications
We master all the parameters of the subjects of its studies to verify the performance of the electrical systems depending on their application. Several worldwide actors work on the individual optimization of the components. On our side, as a company common to aircraft manufacturers, systems engineers, equipment manufacturers, and technology producers, we work to facilitate the integration of the different constraints, so that overall optimization can be achieved.
Another main mission of our competence center is to develop new technologies to produce demonstrators and to validate the performance of an unavailable technology on a controlled demonstrator. This happens thanks to the management of thermal factors, power modules, components of electronic power cores (drivers, filters, etc.), and electric machines. The additive manufacturing potential for electric engineering is also explored.
The tools and methods must be effectively controlled to provide support to industrialists in the preliminary phases of design or of the design phase itself. These are the underlying technological building blocks and electrical subsets, like the electromechanical chains that need to be more closely controlled and optimized across the board, and not just locally as is the case today.
Our offer
- Expertise in power electronics, CEM, the electromechanical chain, and thermal controls
- State-of-the-art, technical syntheses
- Specific technological platforms
- Demonstrators and prototypes
- Contributions to the TRL levels (technological maturity)
- Theses reports, scientific publications, conferences
2020 > 2025

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