The 9thFall Meeting of the STAE Foundation, hosted by IRT Saint Exupéry, was organized on 25th February 2020 at Assézat Hotel. This event brought together about a hundred researchers/engineers, representatives of organisations linked to the fields of aeronautics, space, embedded systems and environmental sciences.
In the morning, the presentations provided an opportunity to present the 5 new “Chantiers” labelled at the end of 2019. Two more focused presentations presented the activities of the DataNoos “Chantier” and the INNPULSE project.
Report on the STAE Foundation activities (assessment of actions, call for proposal “Tremplins” 2020, reflection on its future) was the subject of a specific presentation.
This meeting concluded with a buffet, around an exhibition of the posters presenting the 14 “Tremplins” in progress.
> Report on STAE Foundation by François Vernadat, General Delegate of the Foundation
> DataNoos “Chantier” by Nathalie Aussenac, IRIT – DataNoos website
> INNPULSE Project by Jean-Pierre Bœuf, LAPLACE> Presentation of the 5 new “Chantiers” (call for proposal 2019)
- ENV’IA by Mike Toplis, OMP – ENV’IA website
- ISRU-Regolite by Mathieu Gibilaro, LGC & Jean-Jacques Favier, ICA
- SON2O by Philippe Ricaud, CNRM
- E-AIRchitectures by Philippe Pastor, ISAE
- AéroSurf by Brigitte Caussat, LGC