Our expertise and resources

Our testing centers at your service

On our various sites, our test centers offer a complete range of unique manufacturing and characterization equipment, enabling us to carry out collaborative projects or provide cutting-edge technological research services.

Decarbonization, competitiveness, and sovereignty:

These crucial challenges for the aerospace industry are at the core of our research activities. Moreover, they can be applied to synergistic markets such as ground transportation (automotive, rail), energy (wind, nuclear), and the defense sector.

Our expertise is at your service in several fields:

  • Materials and Processes (organic and ceramic composites, metallic materials, coatings, assemblies) with high added value (circularity, manufacturing process optimization, (multi-)functionalization, etc.)
  • Power Electronics (reliability, weight reduction, characterization, etc.)
  • High-Voltage Electrical Insulation Systems (electric arcs, partial discharges, development and characterization of more environmentally friendly insulators, etc.)

We are key players in integrated multi-partner research, bringing together our academic and industrial partners to overcome the technological barriers of our industry.

We also provide these same stakeholders with access to our unique equipment and expertise through research services.

Whether physical or virtual, these services are developed and utilized within our research projects to address the current and future needs of industrial and academic partners, particularly in the context of the major challenge of industrial decarbonization.

Since 2013, IRT Saint Exupéry has been:

over €M
invested in research equipment
collaborators who use this equipment for projects and services
partenaires académiques et industriels
over €M
research services provided

The expertise of our engineers, experts, and technicians enables us to meet research and development needs, as well as provide training on cutting-edge equipment.

Access to Our Multidisciplinary Approach

Our strength lies in our integrated collaborative environment and multidisciplinary approach (AI, digital, experimental).

We offer you the opportunity to develop and optimize your processes, test, and evaluate your technologies on dedicated equipment. We act as a driver for optimizing your research projects across the entire value chain—from design optimization to the final characterization of the manufactured product—ensuring it meets the expected performance level within your allocated timeframe.


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