Gender Equality Plan : IRT Saint Exupéry is committed to promoting gender equality in research and innovation

Gender equality Plan IRT Saint Exupéry

The Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is a document produced by companies promoting actions in favor of gender equality.

IRT Saint Exupéry’s GEP was implemented in June 2022 and aims to improve gender equality in the research environment on the following major themes:

  • Gender banlance in leadership positions
  • Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
  • Promoting and supporting the integration of the gender dimension into research and innovation
  • Fight against sexist and sexual violence

Through this commitment, we want to play an active role in improving the representation of women in the scientific workforce. All of the reflections carried out by our internal working group and the actions implemented illustrate this desire to position ourselves on an issue that is not only important for our current employees, but essential for future generations.

The full GEP document (french version) can be consulted by clicking on the link below.

Gender Equality Plan (GEP) – IRT Saint Exupéry

Gender Equality Plan : IRT Saint Exupéry is committed to promoting gender equality in research and innovation
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