The white paper “Ceramic matrix composites: a field of excellence in France” is now available. It is the fruit of the labours of Laurent Ferres, Director of the Bordeaux site, and our Aquitaine members and partners.

This book, written by a group of experts from French industry and academia representing the ceramic composites sector, puts forward targeted recommendations to consolidate and develop France’s capacity to meet the sovereign challenges underpinning this sector.
Access the white paper
CMC’s are materials of strategic importance.
Only the most advanced countries are involved in the race for ceramic matrix composites. In the United States, General Electric is now making massive use of CMCs to reduce fuel consumption in its aircraft and helicopter engines (LEAP, GE9X, etc.). Other industrial players are moving in this direction in the USA, Japan, the UK, Germany, etc.
French industry, which was a pioneer in this field, has considerable strengths. However, there is a fragile link between upstream research and the production and use of these materials.
To raise awareness of the benefits of this family of materials, and based on the reflections of French experts in the field, this white paper proposes recommendations aimed at “major contractors”, to ensure that France remains a leader in the field.