Advanced manufacturing technologies
This project follows the FREEzING initiative and aims to enhance the maturity of anti-icing surface treatment solutions while evaluating their performance under dynamic icing conditions. Additionally, the combination of ice-repellent surface treatments with active de-icing systems will be studied, with the objective of minimizing the energy requirements for the active system’s operation and thereby demonstrating the energy savings provided by the coatings.
This project focuses on developing Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) based on oxides for multi-domain applications at medium temperatures (300 to 700°C) and high temperatures (700 to 1100°C). The development is centered on two main aspects: mastering the production of semi-finished products up to the realization of functional components and characterizing materials to model their behaviors, particularly their damage under multi-physical stresses.
Aircraft structures are coated with a multi-layer external finish. Composite structures, having different mechanical and thermal properties compared to metallic structures, may exhibit differing behavior, particularly with premature aging (e.g., early crack formation). The feasibility study PAint CHAracterizations (EF-PACHA) aims to better understand and, if necessary, optimize the alignment between initial specifications and the in-service behavior of paint solutions.
Organic matrix composites have been widely used in the aerospace industry for decades, but their temperature limits are restrictive for high-temperature applications. The COMPINNOV HT+ project builds on feasibility demonstrations from the COMPINNOV HT project, focusing on phthalonitrile-based prepregs. Phthalonitriles are relatively recent thermosetting resins designed to enable service temperatures of at least 250°C. This new project seeks to deepen the understanding and maturity of these resins and their processing methods (impregnation and RTM). It also aims to apply these composites to concrete demonstrators in the civil and defense aerospace sectors to align with industrial needs and support the development of a French supply chain.
The DEFITitane project (Decarbonizing the Titanium Supply Chain) aims to reduce the carbon footprint of the aerospace industry and its dependency on foreign sources for titanium alloys. The proposed work focuses on developing new hot transformation ranges for the TA6V alloy derived from a recycling supply chain, enabling the production of structural parts and supporting the creation of a French manufacturing chain for wires and powders. Life-cycle analyses are conducted to inform future industrial decisions regarding environmental impacts, raw material use, and energy consumption.
The INTREPID project seeks to expand the applications of thermoplastic materials in cutting-edge sectors (aerospace, space) by understanding in-situ deposition processes such as Automated Fiber Placement (AFP/μAFP) and additive manufacturing, as well as their hybridization mechanisms. The project combines material studies (composition and architecture optimization) with material-process studies (consolidation and adhesion mechanisms), leveraging experimental and numerical approaches for multi-sector applications.
Building on the CMC SiC MI and SiC MI2 projects, COSMIC aims to advance the maturity of silicon carbide-based ceramic matrix composites (SiC-SiC CMCs) for civil aerospace needs. The project addresses technological barriers in these materials' development, including mastering slip casting and siliconizing processes and refining associated control and characterization technologies. Parallel efforts focus on industrial scaling (scale-up) and initiating eco-design considerations.
Following the 2020 CMC C3N project, CAMISOLE supports the Cigéo project led by Andra. Its goal is to overcome technological barriers associated with using ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) for lining cells that store high-activity radioactive waste. The project aims to confirm the selected material's suitability for mechanical and chemical aging constraints.
This project continues from ELIPSE and aims to advance the maturity of conductive ink printing technologies on non-developable 3D surfaces.
The TRUST project evaluates the maturity of composite damage models through a multi-scale verification and validation (V&V) approach. It develops methods and tools to account for uncertainties (calibration, propagation), define smarter tests, anticipate the effects of manufacturing defects, and enable model scalability.
Development of composite materials and structures to reduce noise and control vibrations in cabin and nacelle environments.
Maturity enhancement and automation of innovative assembly processes.
Development of a CMC demonstrator for optimized gas flows in metallurgical blast furnaces.
Determining critical parameters to advance the maturity of innovative assembly technologies.
Characterization and maturity advancement of contactless printing processes for electrical tracks on aircraft structures or cabin panels.
Replacement of metallic components with high-temperature composites for aeronautical structural applications.
Understanding the relationship between carbon/thermoplastic prepreg architectures, processability (consolidation and assembly), and their impact on mechanical properties.
Addressing technological barriers to replacing low-carbon steel used in high-activity (HA) cell linings with ceramic matrix composites (CMCs).
Study and development of Hot Isostatic Pressure (HIP) treatments for nickel-based superalloys processed via Laser Beam Melting (LBM) additive manufacturing and Metal Injection Molding (MIM).
CMC in Service
Overcoming technological barriers to characterizing CMC samples in engine-representative environments.
Development of digital tools and methodologies for designing lattice structures created via additive manufacturing.
Development of disruptive forging and die-forming processes for manufacturing primary aeronautical parts using TA6V titanium alloy.
Definition of a future project aimed at developing materials and processes for hydrogen distribution in next-generation systems.
Advancement of SiC-SiC ceramic matrix composites for civil aerospace applications.
Understanding and improving metal additive manufacturing technologies using powder beds via laser or electron beam fusion.
Functionalization of composite materials for the production of electrical enclosures designed to house and protect onboard electrical and avionics systems.
Understanding and improving additive manufacturing technology using Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) of metallic powders.
Development and study of competitive thermoplastic semi-finished products, compatible with out-of-autoclave processes, and fully sourced from a French supply chain.
Optimization of the micro-arc oxidation process for aeronautical applications (air intake lips of nacelles, seat rails, valve bodies).
This feasibility study by IRT Saint-Exupéry explores supercritical CO2 foaming processes for polymers, aiming to identify technological barriers related to foam structure control and resulting performance. The study paves the way for research into the development of functionalized foamed materials and associated capabilities for applications like acoustic, dielectric, and thermal insulation.
The EVERGREEN project seeks to demonstrate the potential of vitrimer composites by testing their repairability, reshaping, reprocessability, and assembly capabilities. It focuses on adapting these materials to existing thermosetting production methods (RTM, pultrusion, impregnation/layup/consolidation). The long-term goal is to develop these innovative materials at a national scale for aerospace and/or space applications.
Development of oxide-based ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) for high-temperature applications (700 to 1000°C).
Generation of design allowables for composite materials through virtual testing.
Development of detachable adhesive solutions for automotive, aerospace, and space needs.
Development and characterization of lead-free solder creams with improved thermomechanical properties.
Development of multifunctional surface coatings for aerospace components.
Development of functionally graded materials using the Laser Metal Deposition with powder (LMD-p) process.
Advancing the design and manufacturing maturity of thin structures (less than 1mm) through additive manufacturing processes.
Advancing the maturity of the Layer Metal Deposition with powder (LMD-p) process for aerospace applications.
Evaluation of thermal insulating layers between composite parts and hot titanium components.

Greener technologies
SSB - Solid-State Battery
This project aims to enhance understanding of solid-state/semi-solid cell chemistry (electrolyte type, anode, cathode, assembly, compression requirements, swelling issues, formats, etc.) and degradation mechanisms.
Focused on studying the performance of organic-based insulation systems for rotating machines with thermal class ratings above 250°C.
The main objective of REPOWERDRIVE is to optimize the performance and reliability of high-power drive systems while mitigating their electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) impact. Key expected outcomes include:
- Development of active filter technology demonstrators (Digital DC, Analogue DC, Digital AC).
- Optimization studies for injection, detection, and amplification circuits.
- Development and evaluation of algorithms (Notch filter, FIR, FFT, IIR).
- Performance assessment of active filtering solutions.
Addresses the improvement of thermal properties of dielectric materials and thermal interface materials, along with the development of adaptive hybrid cooling technology.
Part of the FILAE program, MEL focuses on electric motor technology to support more electric aircraft and the emergence of hybrid or fully electric propulsion systems. Main objectives include:
- Improving the characterization and modeling of magnetic materials, especially core losses.
- Early detection of short-circuit failures in stator windings.
- Analysis of evolving regulations and technological opportunities.
Characterization of new insulating materials and components for high-power harnesses, addressing the needs of future hybrid or electric propulsion systems in aerospace. This includes the assessment of partially bio-based insulation for high-power cable harnesses.
Aims to develop the physical and numerical building blocks necessary to understand and model the fundamental mechanisms of electrical arcs. This thesis-based project seeks to bring the IRT Saint Exupéry up to the state-of-the-art early in the process, followed by integrating new physical mechanism models.
Building on the SiCRET project, SICRET+ expands to include the reliability of multi-chip SiC MOSFET power modules for various applications. Topics include:
- Identifying parameters with the greatest impact on module aging and recommending ways to balance internal stresses.
- Understanding how power modules degrade under combined stresses and severe environmental conditions (temperature, humidity).
- Investigating the effects of cosmic radiation on power module aging.
Optimizes high-power electrical systems, develops predictive models, and creates multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) tools for optimal sizing. The project also evaluates future high-power DC/AC converters.
Improves understanding of physical phenomena associated with high electric fields (partial discharges, surface discharges, space charges, electrical arcs), assesses and manages their impact on system reliability, and develops solutions to exceed the state-of-the-art system performance.
Studies the lifespan of electronic component assemblies on printed circuit boards soldered with next-generation lead-free solder pastes (SAC+*).
Deepens understanding of aging/failure mechanisms and their frequency in hydrogen fuel cells. Focuses on the impact of parameters such as current and temperature on long-term stack performance. Identifies degradation using performance tracking, specific characterizations, and post-mortem studies to ensure high certainty in observations and interpretations.
Evaluates the reliability of gallium nitride (GaN) power semiconductor technology. The main goal is to integrate GaN-based power electronics into the supply chain of electric mobility sectors with stringent reliability constraints.
Development of an innovative power converter able to provide power transmission, monitoring, diagnostics, and communications. The system will be highly efficient, reliable, compact, and lightweight, contributing to higher, more efficient, and environmentally friendly performance for future large aircraft.
Evaluation of potential technologies that will allow the use of higher voltage converters while maintaining power density, as well as arc detection techniques that will increase the safety of high-altitude operations.
Development of new technologies for the train traction drive subsystem.
Development of a set of bidirectional converters acting together as a single device.
Assessment of the technological maturity of silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductors.
Advancing the maturity of thermal cooling solutions, particularly two-phase cooling loops.
Characterization, optimization, and modeling of materials and components for high-power harnesses and connection systems, tailored for future hybrid or electric aerospace propulsion applications.
Exploration and optimization of the design of future aerospace cable systems to enable the aeronautics industry to meet high-power design requirements for upcoming aircraft programs.
Study of physical phenomena intensified by higher voltage levels and the use of wide-bandgap components.
Assessment of electronic board reliability and obsolescence management at the equipment level through numerical simulation.
Study of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), multi-constraint optimization methods, and components of the electromechanical chain to enhance power density, efficiency, reliability, and manufacturing cost-efficiency.
Smart technologies
Part of the FOR program, this project aims to address scientific and technological challenges in using generative AI for critical processes, focusing on robustness, repeatability, explainability, frugality, and sovereignty. Specifically, it targets issues in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) related to explainability, multimodality, and benchmarking.
Aims to enhance the cybersecurity of space systems by enabling collaboration between space, cybersecurity, and research experts through:
- Adapting cybersecurity methodologies for resilience to the specifics of the space sector.
- Exploring AI and emulation technologies (“cyber range”) for their value in securing space systems.
Improves the reactivity of Earth observation systems by implementing feedback loops from image analysis to mission planning.
The OCSS project focuses on orchestrating cyber-secured services with intelligent algorithms to reduce human workload and automate orchestration decisions, aiming for a system capable of autonomous real-time decisions using AI as a cornerstone.
Explores the integration of AI into Industry 4.0 for predictive maintenance in the space sector, tackling challenges in data quality, operator involvement, and AI model reliability, with satellite test benches as a use case.
Advances knowledge and technology for securing Machine Learning algorithms in certified systems. The second phase builds on the first by addressing new scientific, technological, and applicative challenges, including natural language data.
Develops simulations and prototypes for an innovative, high-resolution, compact imaging system for mobile, airborne, and space applications.
Designs an embedded subsystem for rendezvous missions with cooperative and non-cooperative space targets and develops a multi-objective optimization planning tool.
Establishes a standardization framework for embedded sensor solutions based on photonic technologies.
Deployment of a telecom and computing infrastructure (5G-SA and AI) along a France/Spain cross-border corridor. Test of use cases: innovative train and car in real conditions.
Develops a performance evaluation platform for collaboration between humans and autonomous agents, including AI, in military and civilian aeronautics contexts.
SODA2 (In Development)
Continues work on preparing future defense systems involving AI for optimizing ground-air defense strategies.
Uses AI to evolve spatial observation systems, focusing on planning large, heterogeneous constellations and bimodal semantic analysis of satellite images and text.
Defines a communication protocol and addresses technological challenges for IoT services with wide geographic coverage using low-cost nanosatellites in low Earth orbit.
Introduces AI technologies for image processing in embedded systems like satellites, robots, and drones, enhancing their autonomy and responsiveness.
ENVIA (In Development)
Applies reinforcement learning for automatic control of autonomous vehicles in uncertain environments, with a use case involving the LCA60T airship by Flying Whales.
This project aims to evaluate efficient and generic hardware/software implementation architectures to meet the processing needs of future high-performance optical payloads for space or airborne applications.
The SYNAPSE project helps space system operators and integrators remain competitive against new digital entrants in the context of massive and open data production. It achieves this by providing tools and methods, particularly from the Big Data domain, to support more frequent, responsive services for more users and foster new applications.
The RESSAC project contributes to streamlining certification materials to ensure the development of avionics hardware, software, and integrated systems.
This project aims to mature technologies that enhance satellite transmission efficiency or increase their capacity.
Development of methods, tools, hardware, software, and equipment to meet advanced engineering needs.
The SODA project prepares future defense systems leveraging artificial intelligence. Its primary goal is to optimize air-defense strategies through a technological solution combining game theory principles and reinforcement learning.
Establishing a community-based management system for data and service access in environmental monitoring, with shared resources (data, computation, storage, AI algorithms). Use case: coastal flooding and erosion.
Integration of 5G and satellite technologies. Development of a platform for orchestrating and accelerating virtual network functions for Satcom and 5G within software-defined networks.
Creating theories and robust, explainable machine learning algorithms to address the challenges of qualifying and certifying critical systems embedding AI.
Methods and equipment for verifying communication satellite payloads with very high throughput (VHTS), leveraging photonic technologies to surpass the limitations of purely electrical solutions.
Evaluation and quantification of user text queries' comprehensibility using AI, focusing on semantic and analytical perspectives.
Advancing technologies to improve energy and spectral efficiency in satellite links, up to the demonstrator level.
Methods & tools for the development of complex systems
The primary goal of the COSMOS project is to enable digital continuity in safety analyses (and related analyses) for complex systems developed within an Extended Enterprise framework.
EDEN2 follows the EDEN1 project, which evaluated TSN technology for integrated networks and provided a comprehensive methodology and framework for managing them. EDEN2 expands the scope to:
(i) Heterogeneous networks
(ii) Applications
(iii) Reliability constraints (safety and cybersecurity)
(iv) Global optimization cases
Contributing to digital continuity through MDO (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization) linked to systems engineering. The project develops innovative capabilities to improve the efficiency and robustness of MDO processes, particularly multi-fidelity aspects and uncertainty propagation.
Development and validation of multidisciplinary design tools for optimization. Special attention is given to multidisciplinary optimization, understanding of multi-physics phenomena, simulation of manufacturing processes, and transition to HPC (High-Performance Computing).
Enable the digital transformation of future-generation aircraft through the development and demonstration of new numerical methods combining the most advanced high-fidelity modeling capabilities with Machine Learning techniques. NextAir will enable robust design and fielding of future-generation climate-neutral aircraft configurations with improved operational reliability and smart maintenance technologies.
Use of multidisciplinary optimization for the design of future-generation aircraft with ultra-high-aspect-ratio wings. In this context, we are in charge of the implementation of the global process, interfacing to GEMSEO different models based on physics.
Contribution through MDO approaches to the study of new additive manufacturing technologies applied to the development of traction systems in the railway field.
This project focuses on refining satellite models with operational in-orbit data to improve:
- The renegotiation of satellite usage domains.
- The management of satellite design margins.
Definition of appropriate and accepted interaction modes for system architects and engineers to improve the adoption and broad deployment of modeling, thereby enhancing the efficiency and productivity of system engineers.
VITAL (Contribution)
Contribution through GEMSEO to the quantification and propagation of uncertainties, focusing on the impact of composite material property variability on aeronautical structures.
Evaluation and design of the components of a deterministic, modular, standardized, and multi-sector embedded communication architecture (automotive, aeronautical, or space) based on the Time-Sensitive Network (TSN) standard.
Definition of a highly integrated avionics architecture based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components for the small satellite platform market.
Establishment of digital continuity between system definitions and safety analyses.