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Posts by category
- Category: Advanced manufacturing technologies
- Dismountable bonded assemblies: a solution for the future supported by IRT Saint Exupéry
- FREEzING 2: project dedicated to the development of durable icephobic surfaces for aeronautics
- Our white paper on CMC’s is now available!
- COMPINNOV TP2 project: Acting on thermoplastic prepregs to optimise the quality of industrial composite parts!
- Evolution of Hot Isostatic Compaction to improve the surface finish of additive manufacturing parts
- A 2nd key result on MAMA project: The manufacturing of a bracket for the Airbus Beluga
- End of the “CMC en service” project around the development of a test bench for ceramic matrix composite materials.
- MAMA project: 30% raw material savings for titanium aerostructure parts
- ANDDURO project results: from the demonstration part to the critical one.
- METEOR Project: a technological breakthrough in the production of high-performance thermoplastic prepregs and composites.
- LMD-powder process: the DePÔz project has reached a new level of technological maturity through the design and manufacture of a unique demonstrator in record time.
- A look back at one of the activities of the IRT’s composites division: thermoplastic composites.
- IRT Saint Exupéry, Jules Verne, M2P & SystemX work together on additive manufacturing
- Category: Awards
- IRT Saint Exupéry awarded at the Surfair Congress!
- A new success for the DEEL team: 8 papers selected at NeurIPS 2022.
- DEEL team wins the Best paper award at the international workshop WAISE 2022.
- CIAR project: 3 papers accepted at international prestigious conferences
- ERTS 2022: IRT Saint Exupéry stands out with 9 accepted papers & 2 Best paper Awards
- Pierre Roumanille won the Best Paper Award for his participation in ESREF 2021
- Catherine Ngom won the Best Student Oral Presentation and Best Conference Paper awards from her presentation at RADECS 2020.
- Congrats to Cassiopée Galy winner of the 2020 PhD Thesis Award from 3AF!
- IRT Saint Exupéry team won 2 paper awards @ERTS2020 congress!
- Congrats Manuel González Sentís winner of the “Journées CNES des Jeunes Chercheurs”
- Victor Dos Santos has won the GEET Doctoral School Congress Contest
- Congrats to Saber Chelaghma winner of the SAMPE Europe PhD Student Symposium!
- Poster Award for Samuel Leleu, PhD student IRT Saint Exupéry/Cirimat, on corrosion resistance
- IRT award prizes to 3 young researchers – 11th edition of the international conference IEEE NMDC
- IRT Saint Exupéry PhD student wins best paper award at global conference on embedded electronics
- An IRT Saint Exupéry PhD student won the best presentation Award at the PhD School GEET
- An IRT Saint Exupéry team won the Virtual Engineering Award #ERTS2016
- Category: Events
- See you at JEC World 2025!
- CAPITAL Workshop 2024: sCalable And PrecIse Timing AnaLysis for multicore platforms
- Back on 10 years of IRT Saint Exupéry: years of collaboration!
- Accellera Federated Simulation Standard Proposed Working Group, Call for Participation
- EDEN Project, dissemination session
- Scientific conference : “Deep Neural Networks, Explanations, and Rationality” by Edward Lee
- SPI 2022
- Super-G Demonstration Day
- 1st Edition of Forum
- ERTS 2022 Congress- Call for Paper!
- NRTW 2021
- Alternance Aerospace : work-study in high-tech fields
- Alternance Aerospace : la plateforme de la formation par alternance
- IRT Saint Exupery organized its 4th PhD’s Day
- Back to the highlights of the IRT Saint Exupery at the Paris Air Show
- Parliamentary delegation visited IRT’s platforms @B612
- 9th Fall Meeting of the STAE Foundation
- Back to aerospace additive manufacturing 2019
- IRT PhD students and post-doctoral researchers visited Airbus D&S
- GIFAS Thermoplastic Plenary Meeting @IRT Saint Exupery
- 14th Aerospace Valley Members Forum @ Arcachon
- IRT PhD students visited aerospace companies in Bordeaux
- IRT Saint Exupéry at Aeromart 2018, the international Aerospace business convention
- IRT Saint Exupéry @ International Conference & Exhibition on Thermoplastic Composites (ITHEC) 2018
- FIT Forum 2018
- 400 participants at 6th IRT Forum: over 400 technology transfers and reinforced collective action
- Official Visit of IRT Saint Exupéry Technology Platforms
- IRT Saint Exupéry hosted the SAE High Voltage Workshop
- IRT Saint Exupéry presented its cutting-edge platforms at the 13th Aerospace Valley Forum
- Almost 550 interviews and more than 200 candidates at the Apprenticeship Aerospace exhibition
- IRT Saint Exupéry boosted your data experience at Big Data from Space 2017
- IRT Saint Exupéry at the 1st Aerospace Additive Manufacturing Summit
- Success of the first European workshop on MDO for Industrial Applications in Aeronautics
- IRT Saint Exupéry PhD students visit Airbus
- 1st IEEE Summer School on Nanoelectronics organised by IRT Saint Exupéry
- IRT Saint Exupéry organised its 2nd PhD’s Day with 40 presentations
- IRT Saint Exupéry co-organized the 5G Technologies on Spatial Segment Forum
- More than 100 participants to NanoRun2016, its 1st international forum on nanoscale microelectronics
- IRT Saint Exupéry at the European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices and Failure Physics
- Category: Greener technologies
- Category: Human resources
- Category: Intelligent technologies
- AI-based satellite pose estimation
- DEEL: The Robust and Explainable Artificial Intelligence Program Enters Phase 2
- Forest fire detection on-board satellites – CNIA 2022
- Digital Image Correlation Day
- SPOC’s industrial software environment for Machine Learning is ready!
- Two premieres in Artificial Intelligence on-board satellites
- OPS-SAT : AI in the stars – An Article by Members
- Category: Life of IRT
- Jean-Christian Beucher, the new Chief Executive Officer of IRT Saint Exupéry
- Discover the results of our professional equality index for 2024
- Professional Equality Index 2023
- Gender Equality Plan : IRT Saint Exupéry is committed to promoting gender equality in research and innovation
- Magali Vaissière, member of the space steering committee of France 2030
- Professional Equality Index 2021
- New year, new us.
- New CEO at IRT Saint Exupéry, Denis Descheemaeker succeeds Ariel Sirat
- B612 Building inauguration, discover our new offices on video
- Category: Methods & Tools - Complex systems
- From multitude to harmony: programming for new platforms
- Time analysis of embedded systems
- Towards safer software and hardware systems
- 5GMED Project : innovation, connectivity, challenge.
- ARCHEOCS project: Architectural Exploration and Optimization on Complex SoCs.
- Accomplishement of INGEQUIP Project – Methods & Tools for Collaborative System Engineering
- Category: Partners
- Category: Profile
- Zeineb BAKLOUTI: “My time at the IRT has enabled me to grow in my professional career”.
- Santiago Torres, student engineer in digital sciences within the EDEN project
- Bernardo Cogo, passionate researcher & Senior Expert in power electronics
- Jonathan Hugues, research engineer specialized in metal additive manufacturing
- Fabio Coccetti, expert on reliability of critical components for aerospace
- Maud-Alix Mader, expert in deep learning, develops hybrid models between physics & AI
- Karine Labastie, technical advisor on impregnation processes for high-performance multifunctional composite materials
- Julien Baclet, systems engineer, MBSE modeling expert
- Aurore Risacher, doctor in plasma physics, is fascinated by electric arcs
- Nesrine Badache, R&D engineer in model-based systems engineering (MBSE)
- Mathieu Picard, specialist in artificial intelligence applied to mission planning for earth observation satellites
- François Gallard, aeronautical research engineer and multidisciplinary optimization (MDO) architect
- Ludovic Barrière, aeronautical research engineer specializing in structures, computational mechanics and numerical methods
- Cédric Abadie, research engineer in partial discharges and 1st IRT Saint Exupéry PhD student
- Laurent Ferres, head of materials platforms and the Bordeaux site
- Olivier Liandrat, computer science engineer in image processing and machine learning
- Laura Fourgeaud, research engineer in thermal science
- Category: Projects
- IRMA: A cutting-edge project for Earth observation
- EasyMOD: Revolutionizing Systems Engineering with Intelligent and Collaborative Interfaces
- Focus on the European ARCHIMEDES project: an accelerator for the energy transition!
- The European FASTLANE project
- FILAE: 60 million euros to revolutionize French electric aviation!
- MOLY project: towards high-performance, environmentally-friendly polymer foams
- The CoSMoS project: increasing the maturity of the use of MBSA analyses!
- SICRET progress status and what’s next!
- Category: Technology platforms
- Category: Thesis
- Fanny Jourdan defended her thesis on “Advancing fairness in Natural Language Processing: from traditional methods to explainability”
- David Bertoin defended his thesis on “Representations for generalization in reinforcement learning”
- Sébastien Serpaud defended his thesis on “The application of the near field emission measurement method”
- Nikolena Christofi defended her thesis on “Improving operational diagnosis”
- Youssouf Drif defended his thesis on “Network Slicing” in 5G networks – integration of a satellite link with service continuity
- Gaétan Bahl defended his thesis on Deep Learning architectures for onboard satellite image analysis
- Maxence Gombault defended his thesis on the elaboration of multifunctional coatings by suspension plasma spray for aeronautical applications
- Martin Huré defended his thesis on the development of surfaces with low ice adhesion properties
- Hans Hoffmann Sathler defended his thesis on the optimization of GaN-based Series-Parallel Multilevel Three-Phase Inverter
- Catherine Ngom defended her thesis on advanced semiconductor components.
- Quang Chuc Nguyen defended his thesis on development of electrothermal tools for defects location and thermal performance optimisation of SiC power modules
- Eduardo Sanchez defended his thesis learning data representations of satellite image
- Plinio Bau defended his thesis on Control of Wide Bandgap Power Transistors
- Robin Acheen defended his thesis on the determination & influence of the existence of partial discharges in a railway traction system using SiC-based components
- Renan Leroux defended his thesis on simulation system design methodology in Extended Enterprise, based on model-driven system engineering
- Antoine Casadebaigt defended his thesis on Oxidation behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy fabrication by Additive Manufacturing.
- Alexandra Pessot defended her thesis on the modeling of performances and ageing of low-temperature PEM fuel cells for aerospace applications
- Marie Levêque defended her thesis on hybrid pumping capillary mechanical two-phase loop
- Sami El Aabid defended his thesis on model based method dedicated to the diagnosis of PEMFCs
- Pierre-Jean Barjhoux defended his thesis on large scale structural optimization with categorical and continuous mixed design variables
- Marion Broutelle defended her thesis on composite materials with ceramic oxide/oxide matrix
- Karim Elayoubi defended his thesis on optical links through the atmosphere
- Vincent Renon defended his thesis on αβ titanium alloys
- Kamil Mrozewski defended his thesis on mechanical tightening of a single polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
- Yuanci Zhang has defended her thesis on electrochemical energy storage
- Victor Dos Santos has defended his thesis on conducted electromagnetic emissions
- Romain Dupuis has defended his thesis on surrogate model and machine learning
- Alexandre Marie has defended his thesis on control and intensification of heat transfers
- Caroline Gaya has defended her thesis on lithium-air batteries for aircraft applications
- Nicolas Bello has defended his thesis on Al-Cu-(Li) aluminum alloys
- Marie Laveissiere has defended her thesis on Surface Treatments – Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
- Saber Chelaghma has defended his thesis on Thermoplastic Composites
- Omar Chihani has defended his thesis on degradation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs off the shelf components
- Vincent Bedel has defended his thesis on Processing and optimisation of a conductive poly(epoxy) coating
- Samuel Leleu has defended his thesis on Corrosion of Magnesium alloys
- Pierre Roumanille has defended his thesis on Materials for Electronics
- Léonard Serrano has defended his thesis on Epoxy Systems
- Lucie Bres has defended her thesis on Plasmas Engineering
- Anne Castelan has defended her thesis on Optimization of power converters
- Alexandre Giraud has defended his thesis on Electrical Engineering
- Chaimae Ghfiri has defended her thesis on Electrical Engineering
- Mike Alexandre has defended his thesis on organic matrix composites
- Matthieu Le Goff has defended his thesis on Machine Learning for Space
- Adrien-Richard Camboulives has defended his thesis on Optics and Photonics
- Camille Bessaguet has defended her thesis on organic matrix composites
- David Dupenne has defended his thesis on Surface Treatments for Space
- Jonathan Bonnet has defended his thesis on Intelligent Systems & Data
- 1st IRT Saint Exupéry PhD thesis defense on partial electric discharges
- Category: Uncategorized